Gromet's PlazaMaid-bot Stories

Undercover Maidbot

by Melissa M

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© Copyright 2024 - Melissa M - Used by permission

Storycodes: F+/f; maid-bot; F2maidbot; maid; roleplay; collar; scifi; blackmail; electro; hum; reluct; X

Continues from

Part 4: Three days of servitude

The first light of dawn peeked through the curtains when Melissa's maidbot, back to being Unit 734-B, gently shook her awake. "Ma'am," it said in its soothing voice, "it's time to prepare for your duties." Melissa groaned, the reality of her situation sinking in once more.

The maidbot had reprogrammed itself to act as Melissa's personal assistant in this masquerade. It had set an alarm for 5 AM, ensuring she had ample time to get ready before the ordeal at Nicole's house. Melissa sat up in bed, the collar's cold metal pressing against her neck, she felt a surge of anger. But she pushed it aside. There was no time for anger now; she had to survive the next three days.

Unit 734-B approached her with a tray of breakfast, which she ate robotically while it tended to her hair. The maidbot's metallic hands deftly combed out the tangles, then re-braided her hair into a tighter, more uniform style. The skin tone adjuster hovered over her, emitting a soft beep as it analysed her complexion. The device's light changed from blue to green, and she felt a slight tingle as it sprayed a fine mist onto her skin, giving her an eerie, plastic-like finish.

Melissa stared at herself in the mirror as Unit 734-B worked. The reflection that stared back was a twisted version of herself—a perfect imitation of a maidbot's artificial visage. The sight of her own eyes, the only natural part of her face, filled her with a mix of resentment and resignation.

As the skin tone adjuster finished its work, Melissa felt a strange detachment from her body. It was as if she were watching someone else's life unfold in front of her. But she knew she couldn't just stand there. She had a role to play, and she needed to play it well if she ever wanted to remove this collar and regain her dignity.

With a heavy sigh, she donned the same maidbot outfit from the night before, the fabric feeling even more restrictive in the cold light of day. The collar remained firmly in place, a stark reminder of her new reality. Unit 734-B offered her a cup of tea, which she accepted with a nod. The warm liquid soothed her throat, which was still sore from the shocks of the night.

"Ma'am," Unit 734-B said gently, holding out a small jar of cream. "This is a cosmetic compound that will help maintain your skin's artificial finish. Apply it each night to prevent the makeup from flaking."

Melissa took the jar, her robotic voice a hollow echo. "I understand," she said, her eyes never leaving her reflection. "And what about the battery?"

"You must charge the collar's voice modulator each evening," Unit 342-A reminded her. "The shocks are a safety mechanism to ensure that the collar is never fully drained. Failure to charge the device will result in continuous shocks until the battery is fully depleted."

The words sent a shiver down Melissa's spine. She could still feel the memory of the electricity coursing through her body, the pain and panic that had gripped her when she first realised she was trapped. It was a feeling she never wanted to experience again.

Melissa expected her husband, James, to be back home from his business trip later that day. He had no idea what had happened last night, and she had to figure out a way to explain her sudden "employment" to him. She couldn't let him find out about the collar; it would be too much for him to handle, especially with his own business issues weighing on his mind.

Unit 734-B must have sensed her concern. "Ma'am," it said, "I have sent a message to your husband, informing him that you have been called away for a short duration to assist a friend in need."

Melissa felt a stab of guilt. "What did you tell him exactly?"

"I informed him that you have been called upon to assist a friend with an emergency, and that your presence will be required for the next three days," Unit 734-B replied.

Melissa nodded, feeling a pang of relief. "Thank you," she said, her robotic voice sounding almost human in its gratitude. "That should be enough to keep him from worrying."

"Now, about transportation," Unit 734-B began. "As a maidbot, you are not permitted to operate a motor vehicle. You will need to take public transportation to Nicole's residence."

Melissa's shoulders slumped. The thought of taking the bus in her current state was almost too much to bear. "But I can't go out in public like this," she protested, her voice robotic and unfeeling.

"It is a necessity," Unit 734-B replied firmly. "Maidbots are not authorized to operate vehicles. You must adhere to the protocols."

Melissa took a deep, shaky breath. "Alright," she said, her voice a robotic murmur. "I'll take the bus."

Unit 734-B handed her a small bag with her phone, the charging cable, and a few personal items. "Remember, as per maidbot protocol, you are to remain standing for the duration of the trip and out of the way of any human being," it said, its tone unyielding.

Melissa nodded, her robotic facade slipping for a brief moment. "I understand," she murmured.

The sun was just beginning to rise as Melissa stepped out of the house and onto the quiet street. The cool morning air hit her skin, which was now eerily smooth and unnaturally pale. The collar around her neck felt heavier than ever, a constant reminder of her new reality. She walked stiffly towards the bus stop, the early morning dew dampening the soles of her maidbot shoes. Each step was a silent protest against the fate that had been forced upon her.

The bus arrived with a hiss of brakes, and the doors slid open to reveal a few bleary-eyed passengers already seated. Melissa stepped onto the bus, the robotic click of her heels on the floor a stark contrast to the soft murmurs of the human passengers. She found an empty space by the back and stood, holding onto the metal pole as the bus jolted into motion. The vibrations from the engine resonated through her body, a persistent and uncomfortable reminder of her lack of control. She wished she could sit, but the maidbot protocols were clear.

The ride seemed to stretch on forever, each stop bringing a new wave of people and a brief respite from the monotonous scenery outside. Melissa's mind raced with thoughts of James, her old life, and what was to come at Nicole's. The collar around her neck was a silent sentinel, a constant presence that whispered of her new role.

As the bus approached the stop for Nicole's neighbourhood, she felt a jolt of anxiety. The houses grew larger, the lawns more manicured. The bus pulled up to the curb with a hiss of the air brakes, and Melissa stepped off, her eyes scanning the street for any sign of Nicole's grand mansion. The collar's GPS emitted a soft beep in her ear, guiding her towards her destination.

Melissa found herself standing outside Nicole's house at exactly 8 AM sharp. She took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. A moment later, the door opened and there stood Nicole, a satisfied smile on her face as she looked down at Melissa. "Well, well, well. Look who's punctual. You're here on time, I see, little maidbot."

Melissa felt a flash of anger but pushed it down, remembering the stakes. She stepped inside, her eyes fixed on the floor, and Nicole closed the door with a soft hiss. "Look at me when I'm speaking to you," Nicole snapped, her eyes narrowing. Melissa complied, keeping her gaze low but her spine straight.

"I don't tolerate glitches or malfunctions in my home," Nicole continued, her voice cold and dismissive. "You're here to serve, not to think. Understood?"

Melissa nodded, biting her tongue. She had agreed to this bizarre setup to be released from the collar that had been accidentally locked around her neck at the party, but she hadn't anticipated the bitterness that would come with being treated so callously by her former rival. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined she would be back in Nicole's world, let alone as her servant. The irony was thick enough to cut with a knife. Back in high school, Melissa had been the queen bee, while Nicole was the one who envied her. But now, here she was, dressed as a machine to serve her rival.

"But, Nicole..." Melissa began, trying to explain herself...

Without warning, Nicole's eyes darted to her phone and she tapped the screen. A sudden, sharp pain shot through Melissa's neck, and she gasped, her body jolting. She felt a warm trickle of sweat run down her spine as the electric shock from the collar coursed through her. It was a stark reminder of her new role—a robotic servant at Nicole's mercy.

"Ma'am," Nicole corrected, her smile growing even more smug. "I am Ma'am for you, maidbot, and you'd better behave like a proper little maidbot. Now, let's get started with your orientation. You're here to serve, not to speak unless spoken to. Understood?"

Melissa gritted her teeth, but nodded. "Yes, Ma'am," she said.

Before Melissa could process her surroundings, Nicole's husband, a tall, imposing figure, entered the room. He was clearly surprised to see Melissa, his eyebrows rising in question. Nicole, with a flourish, introduced Melissa, "Darling, meet Melissa, the maidbot I've hired for the duration of Mum's visit. I've programmed her for maximum obedience. She'll be at our beck and call."

The man raised an eyebrow, a flicker of amusement in his eyes. "A maidbot? Really?" he asked, his voice laced with scepticism.

"Oh yes," Nicole replied, her voice dripping with smug satisfaction. "She's the latest model. Incredibly efficient and obedient. Watch this."

Nicole turned to Melissa and snapped her fingers. "Bring me a glass of water."

Without hesitation, Melissa turned and fetched a glass of water from the kitchen. She placed it on a tray and presented it to Nicole with a robotic precision.

The man whistled in admiration. "Impressive," he said, his eyes scanning Melissa from head to toe. "You really have outdone yourself this time, Nicole."

Nicole beamed. "I told you she was amazing," she replied, her voice dripping with pride. "I can't wait to show your mom what she can do."

As the man left for his office, he turned back and looked at Melissa, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I might put your obedience to the test when I get back," he said, a playful threat in his voice.

Melissa's heart skipped a beat. She had no idea what he meant, but she knew it couldn't be good. As the door closed behind him, she felt a surge of fear. She was not only a prisoner of Nicole but now also a potential plaything for her husband. The day ahead loomed large, filled with uncertainty and dread.

Nicole smirked, enjoying having Melissa completely under her control. "Very well," Nicole purred, taking a sip of the water. "Now, let's get down to business." She gestured towards the sprawling mansion. "I want this place spotless by the time my mother-in-law arrives."

Melissa nodded again, her expression stoic but beneath the surface, she felt a mixture of resentment and humiliation. "Yes, Ma'am. I will do my best."

Nicole grinned wider, finding great joy in ordering Melissa around. "Oh, don't worry, you'll do more than your best. You'll do what I say when I say it. And that collar around your neck will ensure you play nice."

The statement sent a shiver down Melissa's spine, the collar feeling heavier than ever.

Nicole continued, her tone more demanding now. "Now, first things first, dust all the furniture and then vacuum the carpets. Then I want you to wash the windows, inside and out. And don't forget the kitchen and bathrooms. They need to sparkle. Understand?"

Melissa nodded again, her voice remaining emotionless. "Yes, Ma'am. I understand. I'll dust the furniture, vacuum the carpets, wash the windows, clean the kitchen and bathrooms. Anything else, Ma'am?"

Nicole paused for a moment, thinking. "Actually, yes. Once you're done with all that, I want you to polish the silver. My mother-in-law has a keen eye for details and she'll be expecting everything to be perfect. Understood?"

Melissa's shoulders sagged a little, but she maintained her composed exterior. "Yes, Ma'am. I'll add polishing the silver to my list of tasks. I'll make sure everything is perfect for your mother-in-law's arrival."

Nicole smirked, satisfied with her new maidbot. "Good. Now get started. And don't try to slack off. I'll be checking up on you regularly, and you know what will happen if you don't do a satisfactory job."

Melissa knew Nicole had set up the collar with a variety of punishments for non-compliance, so there was nothing she could do except nodding. "Yes, Ma'am."

Nicole's smile grew even more wicked. "I'm so glad we understand each other," she said sweetly. "And you see, if my mother-in-law finds out that you're not what you seem, well, let's just say the collar won't be coming off in three days and that your stay here will be extended."

Melissa's eyes widened slightly at the veiled threat. "I'll do my best to ensure she doesn't suspect anything, Ma'am," Melissa said, her robotic voice a mask of obedience. With that, Nicole turned and headed back upstairs, leaving Melissa to begin her work.

Melissa took a deep breath and started with the dusting. She began in the living room, meticulously dusting every piece of furniture. Despite her inner turmoil, she worked efficiently and methodically, each movement calculated to ensure an impeccable job. Once done with the living room, she vacuumed the carpets, making sure every spot was clean. Then, she moved onto the windows, polishing them until they were shining. All the while, she could feel Nicole's gaze on her, making sure she didn't slack off.

After the windows, she proceeded to the kitchen, scrubbing the countertops and mopping the floor. The work was strenuous and monotonous, but she kept going, knowing that taking her time would make the collar shock her.

Once the kitchen was clean, she headed to the bathrooms, scrubbing the tubs, sinks, and toilets, leaving them spotless. Finally, she moved towards the dining room where the silver was to be polished. With a sigh, she started to polish the silver, working diligently and thoroughly. Despite her reluctance and the weight of the collar, she maintained a steady pace, determined to finish the work before the arrival of Nicole's mother-in-law.

Just as she was finishing up the last of the silver, she heard Nicole's voice behind her. "How's it going, little maidbot? Almost done?"

Melissa turned, her expression still stoic. "Yes, Ma'am. I've nearly finished polishing the silver. Just a few more items, and I'll be done."

Nicole nodded with satisfaction. "Excellent. You've been quite the obedient little helper. My mother-in-law will be pleased to know that the maidbot is already hard at work."

Melissa felt a pang of discomfort at being referred to as a "maidbot" instead of her name, but she kept her expression neutral. "Thank you, Ma'am. I've done my best to ensure the place is spotless before your mother-in-law arrives."

Nicole walked around the room, inspecting Melissa's work. "Hmmm, not bad. Everything seems to be in order. I must say, you're quite the efficient maidbot." She walked up to Melissa, adjusting her uniform, her touch lingering a little too long. Melissa felt a shiver run down her spine at Nicole's touch. But she didn't say a word, just stood there, silently enduring it.

"You know, little maidbot," Nicole said, "you're not half bad. I could get used to having you around, if it wasn't for that pesky three-day rule."

Melissa didn't respond, just kept her eyes forward, trying to ignore the close proximity of her former rival.

"Just imagine," Nicole added, "I could have you here to do my bidding, all day, every day." She stepped back, a wicked look in her eyes as she imagined owning Melissa fully.

Melissa swallowed hard, trying to push down the feeling of dread that Nicole's words caused her. "Ma'am," she replied, "I must remind you that I'm only your temporary maidbot for three days. After that, I'll be free again."

Nicole's smile grew colder. "Of course, darling," she said sweetly. "But remember, if you slip up even once, if my mother-in-law suspects anything, your stay will be... extended." She tapped the collar with her manicured nail, sending a warning buzz through Melissa's neck. "So you'd better keep up the good work. And remember, the collar's shocks are only a taste of what I can do if you disobey."

Melissa didn't say anything, just continued to maintain her stoic expression. But inside, she felt anger start to bubble up.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Ah, that must be Eleanor, my mother-in-law," Nicole said. "Be a good little maidbot and go answer the door."

With a reluctant nod, Melissa walked to the front door and opened it, revealing an elderly woman, Nicole's mother-in-law.

Eleanor's eyes swept over Melissa, and she frowned. "What is this?" she asked, her voice stern. "Is this the new maidbot you've been bragging about?"

Nicole stepped in, a note of defensiveness in her voice. "Yes, Mother. She's state-of-the-art, programmed for maximum efficiency."

Melissa kept her eyes cast down, the weight of the situation pressing on her shoulders. She knew she had to play her part to perfection if she wanted to get out of this mess.

"Look at her, Mother," Nicole said proudly, gesturing towards Melissa. "Isn't she just the epitome of sophistication? The latest in maidbot technology. She can do anything and everything I ask of her without question. She's like having a personal assistant and a maid all rolled into one."

Eleanor's frown deepened as she scrutinised Melissa from head to toe. "Hmph. Let's see what she's really made of," she said, a glint of challenge in her eye. She turned to Melissa and commanded, "Maidbot, bring me my luggage from the car. It's the Louis Vuitton suitcase, don't you dare scratch it."

Melissa nodded, maintaining her stoic expression, and headed out to the car. She gently lifted the heavy luggage, feeling the strain in her arms. With a deep breath, she carried the suitcase back into the house and set it down at Eleanor's feet.

Eleanor nodded in approval, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Good," she said. "Now, I want you to unpack my suitcase and organise my things in the guest room. Be sure to hang up my dresses and place my shoes neatly in the closet."

Melissa nodded and headed to the guest room, her mind racing. She hadn't anticipated having to interact with anyone else, especially not someone as sharp-eyed as Nicole's mother-in-law. She carefully unpacked the suitcase, laying out the luxurious garments and placing them in the closet with care. The shoes, all expensive designer brands, were lined up in a perfect row.

"Maidbot!" Eleanor called out. "Where's my jewellery box? Did you forget to unpack it?"

Melissa's heart sank. She had hoped that unpacking the suitcase would be the extent of her interaction with the demanding woman, but apparently, she was wrong. She quickly retrieved the box from the suitcase, her heart racing as she carried it back to the guest room. "Here you go, Ma'am," she said, placing it on the dresser.

Eleanor opened the box with a flourish, revealing an array of sparkling jewels. "Now, I want you to lay these out for me," she instructed, her voice sharp. "And make sure not to touch them with your dirty little maidbot hands."

Melissa took a deep breath, resisting the urge to snap back. Instead, she used special maidbot gloves to handle the jewellery with the care of a museum curator. Each piece was placed on the velvet-lined tray with precision, sparkling under the light.

"That's better," Eleanor said, watching her closely. "Now, bring me my evening wear. It should be in the second compartment of the suitcase."

Melissa did as she was told, her hands trembling slightly. As she opened the compartment, she saw an array of elegant dresses. She selected the one at the top, a beautiful silk gown, and laid it out on the bed.

Eleanor eyed it critically. "No, not that one," she said. "The blue one, at the bottom."

Melissa swallowed a sigh and carefully lifted out the blue dress, laying it out for Eleanor's inspection. It was a stunning piece, but Melissa knew better than to voice an opinion. She was here to serve, not to admire.

"Perfect," Eleanor said with a nod. "Now, I need you to press this. It's been wrinkled from the flight."

Melissa took the dress, feeling the softness of the silk between her gloved fingers, and headed to the laundry room. She carefully set it on the ironing board and set the temperature before starting the delicate task of smoothing out the creases. She tried to ignore the ache in her back from being bent over for so long and the heat of the iron.

"Maidbot, hurry up!" Eleanor's voice echoed through the intercom. "I don't have all day for you to dawdle."

Melissa's eyes flickered to the clock on the wall. It had already been two hours since Eleanor's arrival, and the woman's demands had been relentless. She quickly finished pressing the dress and carried it back to the guest room, laying it out on the bed.

The hours that followed were a blur of cleaning, cooking, and serving. Eleanor was a taskmaster, her demands relentless. She criticised every meal, found fault with every task, and her voice, a constant barrage of orders, echoed through the house. Melissa moved like a robot, her body aching, her mind numb. The collar, a constant reminder of her captivity, seemed to tighten its grip with every passing hour.

As the day wore on, Eleanor's demands became increasingly unreasonable. She insisted on having her bathwater at a specific temperature, her clothes ironed to perfection, and her tea served at precisely 5:00 PM. Melissa, her body aching and her spirit broken, obeyed without question.

The night finally arrived, offering a brief respite from Eleanor's tyranny.

The weight of the day pressed down on Melissa like a physical burden. Her stomach growled a desperate plea for sustenance. With Eleanor finally ensconced in her bedroom, Melissa crept into the kitchen, her movements cautious and silent. The kitchen was a haven of abundance, a stark contrast to the emptiness she felt within. With trembling hands, she grabbed a loaf of bread and a jar of jam. Her first bite was a revelation, the taste of food a sensation she had almost forgotten. As she devoured the bread, a sense of defiance grew within her. She was not a machine, a mere object to be used and abused. She was a human being, with needs and desires.

Her reverie was shattered by the sound of footsteps. Eleanor stood in the doorway, her expression a mixture of shock and disgust. "What do you think you're doing?" she demanded, her voice sharp.

Melissa froze, the bread still clutched in her hand. She tried to explain, her voice a hoarse whisper, "I'm hungry, Ma'am. I haven't eaten all day."

Eleanor raised an eyebrow, her gaze scanning Melissa from head to toe. "Hungry?" she repeated, her voice dripping with disbelief. "A robot doesn't need to eat."

Melissa's heart pounded in her chest. She had been caught red-handed. There was no denying the truth. But she couldn't let Eleanor tell Nicole. She would be at Nicole's mercy, and the consequences were unimaginable.

"Please," she pleaded, her voice trembling. "Don't tell Nicole. She'll... she'll be angry."

Eleanor studied her for a long moment, her expression unreadable. Finally, she spoke. "Why are you dressed like this?"

Melissa hesitated, her mind racing. "It's... it's a long story," she managed to say.

Eleanor's eyes narrowed. "I want the truth, and I want it now."

Melissa took a deep breath. "I... I'm not really a robot. It's a costume, a very elaborate one."

Eleanor's eyes widened in surprise. "A costume?" she repeated, her voice laced with disbelief. "For what purpose?"

Melissa, her voice trembling, began to recount the events of the previous night. "It all started at a costume party," she explained, her eyes wide with fear. "I was wearing a maidbot costume, and somehow, the collar activated itself. It was an accident, I swear."

Eleanor raised an eyebrow, scepticism evident in her expression. "Go on," she prompted, her voice laced with disbelief.

Melissa continued, her voice barely a whisper. "I tried to remove it, but it wouldn't come off. It was like it was welded to my neck. I couldn't speak normally, only in that robotic voice."

Eleanor leaned forward, her interest piqued. "And Nicole?" she asked, her voice sharp.

Melissa hesitated, her heart pounding. "She agreed to help me remove the collar, but only if I agreed to work for her for three days," she explained, her voice filled with shame.

Eleanor's expression turned from curiosity to anger. "You mean to tell me you've been tricked into becoming a servant?" she demanded, her voice rising.

Melissa nodded, her eyes filled with tears. "I had no choice," she whispered, "Nicole said she'd only release me if I completed the three days of service without anyone knowing I'm human. If she finds out I've told you, she'll... extend my period of servitude."

Eleanor's gaze softened slightly, the anger in her eyes replaced by something akin to pity. "Why would you agree to such a ridiculous thing?"

Melissa's voice was barely a whisper. "Because Nicole has the device to control the collar," she explained, her eyes filling with fear at the mere mention of it. "It's programmed to deliver electric shocks if I don't obey her commands. And if she finds out that I've told you the truth, she'll get angry at me and extend my period of servitude."

Eleanor's eyes narrowed. "Why would Nicole treat you like this?" she asked, her voice cold. "What have you ever done to her to deserve this?"

Melissa took a deep breath. "We were... rivals in high school," she admitted, her voice low. "We had our differences, but I never thought she'd hold a grudge this long."

Eleanor's expression grew stern. "Rivals, you say?" she mused, her eyes narrowing. "Well, that explains a lot. Nicole can be quite the vindictive creature when she feels threatened."

Melissa nodded, her eyes pleading. "Please, don't tell her," she begged. "I just want to get through these three days and get my life back."

Eleanor's gaze showed a calculating gleam. "Very well," she said, her voice laced with a hint of condescension. "I won't tell Nicole, but there's a price."

Melissa's heart sank. She braced herself for the worst.

"Next weekend," Eleanor continued, "I'm hosting a few friends at my place. They're the kind of people who appreciate the finer things in life, including impeccable service. I need you there, disguised as a maidbot."

Melissa's mind raced. This was a new level of humiliation. To be paraded like a puppet, a mere spectacle for Eleanor's friends. It was a cruel twist of fate.

"I'll even pay you for your services," Eleanor added, as if sensing Melissa's reluctance. "A decent sum, I assure you."

Melissa hesitated, her mind torn. On one hand, she was desperate to escape this situation, to regain her freedom. On the other, the thought of being on display, a mere object of amusement, was almost too much to bear.

Eleanor's patience was wearing thin. "Well?" she prompted, her voice laced with impatience.

Melissa took a deep breath. "Alright," she agreed, her voice barely a whisper. The decision was made, the die was cast. She would endure this humiliation, this degradation, for the hope of freedom.

Eleanor's eyes glinted with victory. "Good," she said, her voice cold. "Now, let's make this official, shall we?" She pulled out her phone, her fingers flying over the screen.

Melissa watched with a mix of dread and fascination as Eleanor typed something into the phone. "What are you doing?" she asked, her voice robotic and trembling.

Eleanor looked up, a smug smile playing on her lips. "Oh, I'm just adding my own personal touch to your little... arrangement," she said, her voice dripping with amusement. "It's quite simple, really. With this device, I will be able to administer commands to your collar, even after Nicole cancels her ownership."

Melissa felt a cold dread creep over her. "Is that really necessary?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Eleanor leaned in closer, the smugness in her eyes unmistakable. "Now repeat after me," she said, holding out her phone with the collar's control app open. "I, Melissa, hereby add Eleanor as an additional owner of this collar."

Melissa's throat tightened as she recited the words, feeling the cold, metallic reality of her situation sinking in deeper. "I, Melissa, hereby add Eleanor as an additional owner to this collar," she said, her voice robotic and lifeless.

Eleanor nodded, satisfaction gleaming in her eyes as she tapped the screen of her phone. "Good," she said, her smile widening. "Now, let's make sure this is all in order." She leaned in, her breath hot against Melissa's ear. "Look up at me," she instructed.

Melissa's eyes snapped to hers, filled with a mix of anger and despair. "I, Eleanor, accept the ownership of this collar," the elder woman announced, her voice cold and unyielding. The collar around Melissa's neck beeped, acknowledging the new command. The realisation of what this meant washed over her like a wave of nausea. She was now at the mercy of not just Nicole, but her mother-in-law as well.

Mustering all the dignity she could under the circumstances, Melissa spoke up. "I understand your terms, but I beg of you, once the weekend is over, please release me from your service. I've already suffered so much under Nicole's watch, I can't bear the thought of more."

Eleanor studied her, her gaze sharp. "Very well," she said after a moment. "Serve my guests to the best of your ability, and I will consider releasing you from the collar's control after their departure. But I expect perfection." 

With those words, Eleanor turned and walked away, leaving Melissa alone with her thoughts. The weight of her situation pressed down on her like a physical burden. She had escaped one trap only to fall into another. But she was determined to survive this ordeal. She would endure the humiliation, the servitude, and the endless demands. And then, when it was over, she would find a way to escape.

The next two days were a blur of cleaning, cooking, and serving. Nicole's house was a maze of endless chores, and Melissa navigated it with a robotic efficiency she never knew she had. She cleaned floors, dusted shelves, and washed dishes until her hands were raw. Nicole and her husband, Daniel, watched her with a mix of amusement and satisfaction, their smirks never far from their lips as they issued new commands.

Eleanor, however, took a different approach. Instead of outright cruelty, she opted for subtle teasing, poking fun at Melissa's robotic nature with a twinkle in her eye. Melissa bore it stoically, her mind focused on the end of her three-day sentence. She knew that any slip-up, any hint of her humanity, would result in a painful electric shock.

On the third day, as Melissa served breakfast, Eleanor leaned back in her chair, watching her with a smug smile. "My, my," she said, "Nicole really has outdone herself with this one. You're quite the little servant, aren't you?"

Melissa kept her eyes downcast, pouring tea into the delicate china cups. "Thank you, Ma'am," she responded in her robotic voice, her heart racing at the thought of making a mistake.

"You know," Eleanor said, taking a sip of her tea, "you're really quite convincing. I almost believe you're a real maidbot." Her eyes gleamed with amusement.

Melissa kept her expression neutral, focusing on the task at hand. "Thank you, Ma'am," she replied in her robotic tone. Inside, she was seething. The constant teasing was taking its toll.

Finally, the third afternoon arrived, and with it, a break from the relentless cycle of serving and obeying. As Melissa was dusting the living room, she heard the sound of the front door closing. Nicole's mother-in-law had left. Nicole walked into the room, a smug smile playing on her lips.

"Well, she's gone," she said, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "It seems she enjoyed your service."

Melissa nodded, not trusting herself to speak. The constant teasing had left her feeling raw and exposed. She had played her part perfectly, never once letting her guard down.

But the moment Eleanor was out of the house, the weight of the past three days crashed down on her. She leaned against the wall, her body trembling with exhaustion and relief.

Nicole's smile grew wider as she approached Melissa. "You did well," she said, her voice a mix of condescension and approval. "Better than I expected, really. You've proven to be quite the obedient little maidbot."

Melissa's eyes flickered with anger, but she remained silent. She knew better than to argue. She had made it through the three days, and now she was one step closer to freedom.

Nicole's smile grew even wider. "But before I remove the collar," she said, her voice a silky purr, "I have one final task for you."

Melissa's heart sank. She had thought the ordeal was over, but it seemed Nicole had other plans. "What do you want?" she asked, her voice tight with tension.

Nicole's smile grew even more smug. "I want you to show me just how grateful you are," she said, gesturing to her own shoes. "Kneel down and lick them clean."

Melissa's eyes widened in horror. "Please," she begged, her voice desperate. "I've done everything you've asked."

Nicole smirked, her eyes glinting with a sadistic spark. She tapped a button on her phone, and Melissa's body jolted with pain. The collar around her neck sent a bolt of electricity through her, forcing her to her knees. Her vision swam, and she gritted her teeth to keep from screaming.

"I said," Nicole repeated, "I want you to show me just how grateful you are. And unless you want a taste of this again," she gestured to her own shoe, "you will do as I command."

Melissa's stomach twisted, but she knew she had to play along. She slowly lowered herself to the floor, her knees protesting against the hard surface. She tried not to gag as she bent over and began to lick Nicole's shoes, her tongue moving in slow, deliberate strokes.

Nicole watched with a gleam of satisfaction in her eyes. "Good girl," she said, her voice dripping with mock praise. "You're learning your place."

Melissa's anger grew with every swipe of her tongue, but she knew that rebellion would only lead to more pain. She focused on the task, her mind racing for a way out of this nightmare.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Nicole's smug smile grew even wider. "Good," she said, her voice satisfied. "Now, you've earned your release." She tapped the collar app on her phone and announced, "I, Nicole, hereby renounce my ownership of this collar."

Melissa's heart raced as she felt the collar vibrate slightly. The beep that followed was almost musical in its sweetness. The collar's grip loosened, and she thought she felt a sense of relief wash over her. But as she reached up to remove it, she realised that despite Nicole's words, it remained firmly in place.

Nicole's smug expression morphed into one of confusion as she watched Melissa's hand hover over the unresponsive collar. "What's the matter?" she asked, her voice filled with a hint of amusement. "Can't you even take your collar off?"

Melissa's mind raced, her heart pounding. She knew that she could not reveal that she was still bound to Eleanor. Not now, not when she was so close to freedom. "It's... it's a safety feature," she stuttered, trying to think quickly. "I can't remove it unless I'm in a safe environment. It's programmed to prevent me from revealing my true identity in public." She hoped her lie was convincing enough.

Nicole's smile faltered slightly. "Oh," she said, her eyes narrowing. "How... convenient."

Melissa stood, her knees shaking. "Yes, Ma'am," she said, her voice robotic once more. "I'll remove the collar once I get home. It's for the safety of my disguise. Besides, I still look like a maidbot and wouldn't be allowed on the bus without a collar."

Nicole stepped back, her eyes cold and assessing. "Fine," she said, her voice devoid of any warmth. "Now, before you go, I've got your payment." She handed Melissa three crisp 20-euro bills, the corners slightly bent from being in her pocket.

Melissa took it with trembling hands, the reality of her situation setting in. She had just been paid a paltry sum to act like a robot for three days. "Thank you," she murmured, trying to keep the bitterness out of her voice.

Nicole's smile grew even more smug. "You are welcome, and remember," she said, her eyes glinting with malice, "if you ever want to be hired as my maidbot again, you know where to find me."

Without a word, Melissa turned and fled the house, Nicole's mocking laughter following her like a dark shadow. The cool evening air hit her like a slap in the face as she stepped outside, her legs moving on autopilot as she walked away from the prison she had endured for the past three days. As she made her way home, her mind raced. The collar remained tight around her neck, a constant reminder that she was not out of the woods yet. The thought of spending the next weekend as Eleanor's maidbot was almost too much to bear, but she knew she was still collared and had no choice.


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