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- All Under Control - Stories
- EHY’s site featuring his android and statue stories. As the title suggests, the key theme is control fantasies, not all of them sexual. EHY is a writer who knows how to put words and plots together, which definitely makes his site worth checking out. Web archive hosted by The Pygmalion Syndrome.
- Alt.Sex.Stories Text Repository - Stories
- ASSTR is home to over 1000 authors of erotic literature, host of the newsgroup,, mirror site for
- ASFR Robots - Stories
- Robolover's stories, some involve forced transformation, other magic potions, a few with hypnosis, and one with a Brontosaurus! Web archive hosted by The Pygmalion Syndrome.
- ASFR Collections - Stories
- Various contributors’ lists of their favourite ASFR and related stories.
- Drake @ DeviantArt- Art/Stories
- Drake's DeviantArt webspace for transformation art - turning women into statues, dolls, puppets and other objects of desire.
- Eltomte @ DeviantArt - Art/Stories
- Eltomte (Chris) on DeviantArt with Transformation Stories & Art - turning people into mannequins, statues, dolls and other.
- The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive - Stories
- Stories section of mind control archive where people are transformed into robots.
- Fembot Central - Forum
- Robot-fetish bulletin board/forum.
- Fembot Wiki - wiki/stories
- Wiki from Fembot Central for sharing art, stories, and reviews of robot-fetish-related media.
- The Gallery Lapideus - Weblog
- A dedicated space for the A.S.F.R. genre. Whether it be statues, mannequins, dolls, robots, encased in ice, turned into furniture. The Gallery Lapideus aims for the promotion and general enrichment of the community for both content creators and fans. Personal weblog of Monyca Medusa Meiyers aka The Sculptress.
- Gently Bitten - Stories/Mind Control
- Mind-Control Stories and Hypnotic Recordings For Men And Women, by Chewtoy.
- Jay Peto @ Deviantart - Art/Stories
- Jay Peto's DeviantArt webspace for Transformation Stories & Art turning people into statues, dolls, puppets and other. One of the authors here on the plaza, his own DeviantART space for your enjoyment.
- Jay Peto's Puppet Smut - Stories
- Jay has finally made his own site, you've seen the images now read the stories.
- Legacy of Timeless Beauty - Stories
- Without a doubt the Legacy of Timeless Beauty (LTBSA) is THE biggest and best archive on the net for stories of living statues, living mannequins and robotized people. Mainly features female protagonists but there’s some male material as well. Now an archive of older stories since 2013 - Web archive hosted by The Pygmalion Syndrome.
- Leticia latex @ DeviantART - Art/Stories
- Leticia Latex's deviantart webspace for Doll transformations & body inflation.
- The Living Doll House - Art/stories
- Living dolls, mannequins and statues; stories, poetry, art and photomanips. A virtual community for people who dress up to look like (their) dolls in particular and like toys in general. - Web archive hosted by The Pygmalion Syndrome.
- MadBird @ DeviantART - Art/Stories
- Deviant Art website of MadBird CZ.
- Masteroftoys's Journal - Journal/Stories
- ASFR story-writing live-journal of masteroftoys.
- Machine Stories - Stories
- Machine stories is an archive of stories about robots and machines interfacing with humans, containing bondage, mummification and other adult themes. The machines take over and bind, abuse and take control.
- Monkey Steals Peach @ DeviantART - Art/Stories
- One of the authors here on the plaza, his own DeviantART space for your enjoyment.
- Nate Walis @ DeviantART - Art/Stories
- One of the authors here on the plaza, his own DeviantART space for your enjoyment.
- NorthernChill @ DeviantART - Art/Stories
Northern Chill @ Yahoo Group - Stories, comics & illustrations on his Deviant Art/yahoo group websites.
- Perfectly Still - tumblr/images
- tumblr image gallery of fashion, fetish, doll, latex, dollified humans, robots, mannequins, dolls, and similar.
- shadedsun @ Deviantart - Art/Stories
- Shadedsun's DeviantArt space for stories & art transformations, turning people into lovedoll, staues, mannequins and other. One of the authors here on the plaza, his own DeviantART space for your enjoyment.
- Transformation Stories - Stories
- Stories of people being turned into their objects of desire, or someone else's, transformed into another sex; being or an object.
- Transformation Story Archive - Stories
- Stories that have a bodily (or in some cases mental) transformation into another being as a central theme. That includes gender-change stories and were-stories.